Is this conference for me?

I hope so, but let’s ask a few questions to be sure: Do you identify as a woman? Great. Do you go to Florida State University? Perfect. Are you available on 10/26? Super. Check, check, check! 

And if any of the answers to these questions are ‘no,’ then the answer isn’t necessarily ‘no.’ It’s just time to talk to the staff in the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office on campus to see if you’re a good fit!

What if I identify as non-binary or as a trans woman? Am I invited?

Hell yes you are! If you connect to or identify with womanhood, you are more than welcome.

How much does it cost?


Where will the conference be?

The majority of the event will be taking place in the Student Union on campus.

How long will the conference be? 

We’ll be together from 10am to 4:30pm-ish on Saturday, October 26. It might sound long, but you’ll be experiencing a bunch of different kinds of sessions and activities. It’ll go by too fast!

Are meals included? 

Yes! A light breakfast will be provided in the morning, lunch in the afternoon. And of course, we’ll have snacks. Lots of snacks.

What should I wear? 

Be comfortable, please. Nobody has time to be uncomfortable all day! If you do need more guidance than that, try this: dress in a way that makes you feel badass.

I’ve already heard Tina speak–should I still come? 

Please do! You will hear from Tina again, but there are other badass speakers coming to join us. You’ll also spend lots of time building community with other women from your community. Totally worth it!